Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Mangapapa Gala

CLICK HERE to use Piktochart as well.
We had to use a type of media called Piktochart to advertise our school gala. I chose all these pictures to advertise for a reason. The reason is we have all of these things and many more. come along and have fun.

Inserting and finding images was difficult. I believe people should use Pikcochart to create more things in their life. Piktochart is a very helpful tool.

There will be yum food like candy floss, hot dog, burgers, Lollie neckless, ice bock, surbet, and many, many more. fizzy will be there too.


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Media I've Seen In The Last 24 Hours

 Do you know what media is? It more than you probably think.

we were learning what media is, and focusing on what media we've seen in the last 24 hours. This is a work in progress piece. Finding the right picture for the right type of media I needed, was one of the difficult things I did.

Did you know media is not just online? Media is anything that advertises or tries to convince you to do something. did you know you see multiple types of media every day? These are only a few things I've seen in 24 hours.